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Usui Reiki 1 Pioneers

Private·5 members


Welcome to the Reiki 1 Pioneers Group.

How are we feeling today divine ones?

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Congratulations on your Reiki 1 Attunement yesterday. What a day of Divine WOW. I am in awe of all of you on your healing and spiritual journey.

I am so honoured to have supported, guided and nurtured you on your Reiki 1 journey of awakening, self-discovery, healing and empowerment.

Embody the amazing journey that Usui Reiki offers you, connecting with Universal Life Energy to help and heal yourself and others, plants, animals and your environment! The channels opened during this first Attunement will stay open for the rest of your life. Level 1 has a strong focus on yourself, your body and your energy system, opening your aura and expanding your energy body to channel life force energy.

Reiki requires practice and heart intention to be in alignment with the oneness of you and Source-Of-All-That-Is. The more you practice and use Reiki, the more energy you channel to strengthen your physical body to hold more light. Your body will become lighter on every level. Embody the Reiki Source Light wherever you go. On your Reiki journey, you will attract opportunities and experiences to embody your connection to source to raise your consciousness.

The most important component of the system of Reiki at any level is one’s own daily personal practice, meditation and self-healing. On any part of life's journey, allow Reiki to be your greatest gift. On good days and not so good days, take time to recentre and realign your heart energy. Place your hands over your heart and channel Reiki Universal Love and Light to you.

May your Usui Reiki light bring peace, harmony and healing to our world,

for the infinite benefit of all beings!

D xxxx


"I allow my higher guidance to lead me, step-by-step, most fully into my divine life path. I trust each step is part of the whole. "


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  • June 19, 2022


  • Deanne Lee

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